
2020-2021 SGA Elections: Jasmyn Wilkinson, SGA Class of 2024 Representative Candidate

It is Jasmyn Wilkinson’s first year at NVU-Lyndon, and she’s jumping in head first by running for one of the Class of 2024 Representative positions on the Student Government Association (SGA). Originally from Newport, New Hampshire, she is studying Computer Information Science with a minor in Theatre.

As a new student to the Lyndon community, Wilkinson is just starting to get involved with campus activities, and specifically looks forward to going to Gaming Club meetings. She has also recently started a job at Walgreens.

Getting involved is not new to Wilkinson, however. In high school, she balanced working a job at her local Rite Aid with numerous extracurriculars, both in and out of school. She took part in cheerleading, unified basketball, Student Council–including holding the position of Class Secretary for two years, Prom Committee, World Under Wonder Community Theater, National Honors Society, and International Thespian Society.

Photo by Alexandra Huff

Wilkinson is still acquainting herself with the campus and surrounding community, but it quick to admit that her favorite thing about NVU-Lyndon is the accepting community. She witnessed this since she first stepped foot on campus and said, “Everyone cares about one another and wants to see each other live their best life.”

Being new to school does not stop her in seeing the struggles her peers are going through. Wilkinson told The Critic that students are struggling to cope with the COVID-19 regulations set by the administration and state government. “As a college student, we want to be able to have a normal experience yet clubs we want to be involved in are not able to operate,” she said.

These thoughts encourage her to take action in addressing communication issues during her time at NVU. This is something she finds as being a core mission or the SGA, and something that needs improvement. Additionally, Wilkinson pledged that “If I am elected for the class representative, I will encourage my fellow students to get as involved with campus activities as possible.”

Photo by Alexandra Huff

Wilkinson wants to build a social media presence within the SGA. While the association might have its own social media, she’s curious to see if creating groups or alternate pages to influence and inform specific demographics, like other incoming first-years, is possible and how successful it could be. Wilkinson explored this during her time as Class Secretary in high school and admits that it was the “fastest and easiest” way to inform the student body.

Overall, Jasmyn Wilkinson believes her prior experience in high school helps qualify her for taking on a similar role in college. Her knowledge about organizing events and compassion with addressing student concerns makes her “the best candidate.”

Students interested in voting for Jasmyn Wilkinson can do so by writing her name for SGA Class of 2024 Representative when they fill out the online SGA ballot.


Feature Photo by Alexandra Huff