
Bring Back The Music. Remembering Jake Gregg

Jacob Gregg of Rutland VT touched many lives in his 22 years. He was known as a caring and kind individual. But most people knew him as a musician. Last Tuesday, March 19th at 8:00pm, MEISA (Music and Entertainment Industry Student Association) showed the Jake Gregg Documentary in ASAC 106. This was played as part of the GreggFest kick off.

In 2016, a documentary was created to commemorate Jake. The total time of the documentary is 30 minutes and goes through his musical career here at NVU-Lyndon. “I was very excited because I didn’t know Jake or have the pleasure of meeting him. So as a freshman at the time, it was really nice to watch this documentary about him,” Elizabeth Stoddard said.

Jake was a Music Business Industry (MBI) major here at NVU-Lyndon. He was part of the band Suncooked and wrote his own songs. “He could play most any musical instrument he picked up, but mostly the banjo, guitar, and the kick drum,” his obituary notes.

Jake playing banjo.

Stoddard has seen the documentary 3 times. One of her highlights is seeing Jake smile and hearing his music. “I couldn’t stop myself from smiling whenever Jake would would. I couldn’t stop myself from giggling whenever he would go crazy on the banjo.”

For the NVULlyndon community, it is clear that Jake is still one of the most well known former students on campus to date. “This is why we still do Gregg Fest. This documentary is something we show to the Lyndon community and our first year students,” Stoddard said. With everyone that either knew Jake personally or just watched the documentary, there was something that Jake taught us all: to be thankful for life and love everybody. “It’s a documentary that is about Jake but it showcases what he loved and all of his closest friends. I think Jake would really appreciate knowing that he was so loved and that we still do this every year.”