
Class of 2026 Looks to Represent in Student Government

This year’s incoming class is looking to get involved. Some have already stepped into executive board positions of various clubs, and others looked to get elected to the Student Government Association (SGA) Wednesday night.

Allison Morton, a first-year Music Business and Industry student from Burlington, Maine, stood before the SGA general board to represent the Class of 2026. Morton previously served on her high school’s student board and is looking to be part of Lyndon’s student government, which she described as the “glue” of campus.

By serving on the SGA, Morton wants to work with other student leaders to create more opportunities for the student body on weekends, “whether it’s more activities or more support groups.” She sees students, including her friends, sitting around on weekends, and Morton is looking to get them more involved on campus.

After learning more about her, the SGA general board voted in favor of Morton representing her class.

First-year student Ryder Klager was also on the agenda to be elected as a Class of 2026 representative but was not in attendance Wednesday night.

The SGA constitution allows for three representatives per class year. Two positions remain for the Class of 2026, while all three positions remain for the Class of 2025, Class of 2024, and Class of 2023. There are also three community representative positions, two non-traditional student representative positions, and one international student representative position open.

Anyone interested in running for an elected representative position can contact the SGA at LyndonSGA@NorthernVermont.edu for a petition. A petition of 50 signatures from the student body must be returned to the SGA before the general board can vote on a representative’s appointment.


Feature Photo by Alexandra Huff || Allison Morton, Class of 2026 SGA Representative