
Gardening Club Seeks Unarchival

In March 2023, Gardening Club was officially archived due to the loss of two presidents and low student involvement left no one to keep the club going. The vote to archival was sad for many students, but the new year brought back students who seek to unarchive the club at the first SGA meeting.

The Critic spoke with the President, Jane Bradley, and Vice President, Kay Clark about their plans to bring the club back to the campus, and they had a lot of ideas for the club already.

Their main goals are to unarchive the club, rebuild the club, and possibly even rename the club all together. The name they have in mind is Sustainability Club and with this name change they plan to expand how the club brings awareness to the ways we effect the environment.

“We want to expand, work on cleaning the campus more, recycling, just focusing on better ways to be more self aware of how much we waste and how much we use every day.” – Jane Bradley

Before Gardening Club was voted into archival, the extra supplies were given to Occult Club, but they have been returned to Gardening Club so that they have supplies to start off the year with. Occult Club had plans to start a herb garden, but their President Robin Granito stated that the executive board got too busy to put any of these plans in action. Granito also said that they hope to work on collaborations with Gardening Club in the future now that they plan to unarchive the club.

Granito also said that they “can’t wait to see them thrive,” as Gardening Club comes back to campus.

Bradley closed the interview by saying that the club is open to new people, both general board and executive board members. Those interested in the club should either email Jane Bradley or Kay Clark at jmb00318@vermontstate.edu or kxc09242@vermontstate.edu.


Feature Photo by  Evan Colman || The gardening beds outside of Harvey Academic Center are beginning to sprout!