
Hornet’s Nest Night Hours Will Return

At the SGA meeting on September 4th, it was brought to the attention of the SGA Board that Hornet’s Nest was closed at night, something several students were upset about. On September 19th, Jamia Danzy sent an email to the Lyndon students to announce that Hornet’s Nests Night hours will be coming back.

Carson Asava lead the discussion about this abrupt change to student life. In the SGA meeting he brought up that there isn’t much use of the student center space besides events without Hornet’s Nest being open, resulting in the space not being used to its full potential. He also mentioned that he had a petition he was collecting signatures for and to see him after the meeting if anyone wanted to sign it. Alley Morton, the President of our SGA Chapter, responded quickly.

“We can’t just, as a Student Government Association, let this slip by. These are things I want to fight for. I care about the mail room, I care about direct hire, and the Hornet’s Nest. These are things that affect us as a student body, and I want the Board of Trustees, and anybody else who is up there making budget cuts, that we are not going to sit by and take this.” – Allison Morton

The petition made by Asava ended up getting 131 signatures. When asked why he started the petition, Asava said, “The main reason [for the petition] was to push it up to the Board of Trustees. The most important thing was to spread word around the college.”

In the email sent by Danzy, students were informed that after October break, the Hornet’s Nest would be open from 8 PM to 11 PM seven days a week starting October 14th.  This will be in addition to the current hours of 8 AM – 3 PM Monday through Friday.

Asava said he was glad and appreciative to see that students’ voices were heard on this issue. He did say that he was hoping that Sodexo isn’t going to lose money on keeping Hornet’s Nest open at night, but he also recognized the cost it takes each night may be higher than people expect.

“It’ll definitely be great, especially for the people who have clubs, for the athletes, and people [who want to] hang around the student center.” – Carson Asava


Feature Photo by Evan Colman || The Hornet’s Nest/Student Center sign.

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