
Letter From the Editor: A New Year!

Dear Northern Vermont University – Lyndon, 

Welcome to the third semester of Northern Vermont University, and welcome back to the academic school year! Today, September 16, marks the beginning of the fourth week of classes for the Fall 2019 semester. It’s weird to think that school has been in session this long already—it only feels like a couple weeks. 

As the new Editor-in-Chief of The Critic, I would like to formally introduce myself. My name is Alexandra Huff, though I more often go by Alex. I am a secondyear currently studying for a Bachelor’s Degree in Electronic Journalism Arts. I grew up in Wellington, Maine with my parents and a bunch of dairy cows. 

That being said, this semester, The Critic plans to expandA working goal for us is to start creating author pages for our contributors. Previously, they have been labeled under The Critic’s logo and the writer’s name. Now, the goal is to attach professional photos and short descriptions to every author page to help the audience get to know our staff, as well as help our contributors promote themselves more. 

The plan is to also expand our demographic this year. While SGA recaps and sports event evaluations will still be posted fairly regularly, The Critic was missing a little spice. This year, The Critic will expand into new content. There will be more editorials and club-oriented articles. The Critic wants to start publishing NVU-Lyndon as it happens, not just recapping our audience on past events. This includes fun seasonal articles, student spotlights, and more! 

We currently have three Executive Board positions open: Vice President (Associate Editor), Secretary, and Treasurer. And, as always, we are always looking for staff members and contributors! The Critic does not only publish the work of writers, but also photographers and artists! If you have something to share, we want to help you share it with the NVU-Lyndon community! 

As always, we are meeting biweekly on Fridays at 4:00PM, though we have moved our meeting location to the WWLR lounge. Our next meeting is this Friday, so I hope to see new and familiar faces there! 



Alexandra Huff

You can find The Critic on Facebook (NVULyndonCritic), Instagram (NVULyndonCritic), Twitter (NVULyndonCritic) and here on our website.

You can contact us via the Contact link, through our Facebook page, or by e-mailing TheCritic@NorthernVermont.edu