
Letter to the Editor: We Hear You

We, the Lyndon Student Government Association Executive Board hear you. We know the student body misses the way campus used to be prior to COVID-19, as do we. We also recognize that student involvement is lacking on campus as it is lacking at many universities across the world. Day in and day out, we are finding, creating, and developing ways to get all of our Lyndon family involved.

As discussed in our last SGA general board meeting on February 24th, after endless discussions about how to improve student involvement, the executive board has created a few projects to start improving on this dilemma. Some of these projects include an archive page, getting the SGA constitution evaluated, bulletin boards, and Club Appreciation Week.

Renee Chaples, the SGA Administrative Vice President, spent many hours going through clubs that not only were disbanded this past semester but also years ago. She then created the archive tab and included all of these clubs along with their constitutions. Therefore, in the future, if anyone is interested in restarting one of these clubs, they can use the previous constitution and tweak it to work for their new club. If you would like to view the archive page, visit the SGA website here.

After our SGA meeting on February 10th, the executive board came to the conclusion that it was time to get our constitution professionally evaluated. At this meeting, many students brought up concerns they had. We discussed these concerns and decided evaluating the constitution would be the best solution. After our evaluation, we hope to improve, consolidate, and simplify our constitution.

Clubs used to have their own bulletin boards in the science wing hallway, but at the moment, not all clubs currently have bulletin boards. The executive board came up with the idea of bulletin boards because it is a way for clubs to catch a student’s eye while also showing their individuality. We hope all clubs will create a bulletin board that lists club meeting times, club contact information, and club commitments so students who may want to join know how to become a member.

During one of our discussions about student involvement, our advisor, Mike Secreti, suggested we hold a Club Appreciation Week. As an executive board, we decided to have a day that honors a club advisor, first year, senior, and an overall club. Club appreciation week is to help bring awareness to our clubs and make sure our clubs know how much we appreciate them. The week will be celebrated from March 15th through March 19th. To participate in club appreciation week, please use click here.

Spring Day has been a tradition on the Lyndon campus for decades. Katie Flannigan, the SGA Executive Vice President, is planning a Boardwalk-themed weekend for all of us to enjoy with the help of the Spring Day Committee. The 2021 Spring Day Committee is made up of Katie Flannigan, Residential Assistant Alex Therriault, CAB President Dan Carneiro, and myself, SGA President Gill MacDonald. Spring Day/Weekend will begin April 23rd and end April 25th; Saturday will be the “main event” but all days will be filled with fun activities. The Spring Day Committee is open to any and all recommendations! To submit your recommendations, please email Katie.

We are in a difficult time right now and we, the NVU-Lyndon Student Government Association,
commit to putting our best efforts into improving student involvement through all of these
events, and many more to come. As always, if you have any suggestions or feedback please
reach out to us by emailing lyndonsga@northernvermont.edu.