Dear Editor,
The Vermont State College System stands at a distinctive fork in the road. To one side is a path that will lead to a continuation of business as it has been done for years. To the other side is a path that will lead to change and a new era of higher education within the Green Mountain state.
Change, as we all know, is hard and not always wanted. Humans are by nature a creature of habit, and any disturbance of the usual order is generally seen as a cause for anxiety and worry. The past year has already seen many changes occurring, not only within our system but throughout the world as well. However, it is safe to say that still more change must occur.
The Board of Trustees, and Chancellor Zdatny, have been discussing the future of the VSCS. Initial plans have been put into place at all of our colleges and universities. As readers may be aware, the Legislature has also begun to increasingly look at higher education, with outside consultants brought in to help. Yet questions do remain.
What does the future of higher education look like in Vermont? What role does the VSCS play? How and where will the funding come from for the state colleges? What will the system look like in one, five, and even ten years?
These questions are not easy to answer, nor should they be. They deserve to be thoroughly researched and debated, studied from all sides. Each opinion should be heard, and every detail ironed out before anything is put into place. That is exactly what I, my fellow members of the Board, and Chancellor Zdatny intend to do.
The Board is going to be hard at work over the next year, but we cannot do it alone. To do a proper and thorough job will require all of you as well. I ask that you stay involved and up to date on what is happening. Attend meetings. Ask your student governments questions. Ask your elected officials questions. Above all, make sure that your voice is heard!
The next year is going to be full of hard work and decisions. I am confident that we will be successful in charting the future of our system so long as we all continue to be open-minded, a trait that every member of our system shares. I look forward to having these frank conversations and taking these next steps will you all.
Ryan Cooney
Trustee, Vermont State College System