
Lyndon Spotlight: Tammy Gonyer

Tammy Gonyer, also known as Tammy G., may be the most well-known staff member on this campus.  Over the past two years, the wonderful greeter at the Stevens Dining Hall has won over students’ hearts here on campus.  For this reason, she is featured this week.

Tammy grew up in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont and has lived here for almost all of her life.  The only exception is when she moved to South Dakota for 13 years.  There, Tammy worked at a daycare and learned her love of taking care of kids. When she moved back to the area, she needed a job, so she thought “What’s the difference between taking care of little kids and college students?”  She wasn’t wrong; there is almost no difference.  She makes sure we eat and knows when we are in a bad mood because she knows each person she sees every day (which is over 100 people).

Her bond between students doesn’t just stop with her knowing whether you are having a bad day or not but also goes toward Christmas cards.  For the past two years, a few days before winter break, Tammy hands out Christmas cards to students, ending in “Love Tammy.”

This newly found tradition is a favorite among students.  Sophomore Matt Condon said, “It’s been a stressful week with classes wrapping up and getting a Christmas card from Tammy was a nice surprise.”  Many students were worried about how it may not happen with COVID-19 and were happy to receive them Wednesday.

However, COVID-19 has created her worst fear which is not being able to hug students she won’t be able to see again. Tammy is a true on-campus mother and cares deeply about us.


Feature Photo by Quinlan Peer; Design by Alexandra Huff