
Mailroom Starts Semester with New Package Delivery System

Many students were met with surprise when they arrived on campus and made their way down towards the mailroom to receive their deliveries and they discovered a large object with a touch screen. Well…what exactly is it?

That large object is simply a digital locker. It’s operated utilizing a scanning feature for a QR code, which is received via email from the NVU-Mailroom Email address. When students approach the machine, they need to tap on the screen to activate it. Then it will proceed to give them the option to utilize the scan feature on the QR code. The code acts as a key to an assigned locker which will then unlock and allow the buyer to acquire their package.

With the presence of such a device, it’s easy to question the reason for its presence. Mailroom Supervisor Rhonda Trucott said that “it’s simply more efficient, especially for off-hours.” The locker allows for students to have a more flexible schedule and the availability to receive their items when the mailroom isn’t in operating hours. Oftentimes, students have factors that interrupt their ability to reach the mailroom in time. “It’s good for everyone, staff and students,” Trucott said. The locker is always accessible as long as the building is unlocked.

Students will be notified if their package is in the locker through email. “There are two different emails,” Trucott said, “the normal one saying the package has arrived, and one saying ‘locker’ which will have a QR code at the bottom.” She encourages students to glance through the specific email to ensure which option is correct for the person receiving the package.

Trucott expressed that the new system is especially good for her and the other mailroom staff, it provides less stress due to the lines not being as crowded. “It’s less traffic, especially with the virus it’s easier,” she told The Critic. She also politely added that she would like for students to utilize hand sanitizer prior to and after utilizing the device to allow for a safer and cleaner area.

In conclusion, the new mailroom system seems to be very efficient for everyone on campus. The ability to utilize it whenever if the school is open allows for great strides in the ability to gather mail, especially for persons that are busy during the mailroom’s hours. Trucott voiced “It’s good for everyone; I feel it’s especially good for the students. I like it.”

Feature Photo by Alexandra Huff || The new lockers for packages are located next to the commuter lockers and across the mailroom entrance.