
Meet The Critic’s 2020-2021 Executive Board!

In a unanimous vote during a The Critic club meeting in the spring, a new Executive Board was elected to run the Northern Vermont University – Lyndon student newspaper for the 2020-2021 academic year. The Critic met on April 24 where Alexandra Huff was reelected as Editor-in-Chief, Kaitlin Flannigan was appointed the new club Treasurer, and Becca Fauteux was reelected as Student Government Association (SGA) Representative. Coming into the school year, The Critic is still looking to fill the positions of Associate Editor and Secretary.


Meet Editor-in-Chief Alexandra Huff

My name is Alexandra Huff, though most friends on campus know me as Alex or Hufflepuff. I am beginning my third year at NVU-Lyndon, studying both Broadcast & Digital Journalism and Digital Communications, PR & Marketing. At the same time, I am minoring in Business and Commercial Production.

I became involved with The Critic by stumbling upon the club’s table at an Involvement Fair during my first year on campus. I didn’t know how much I wanted to dedicate myself to the paper at the time, but I very quickly fell in love with the staff and the history of The Critic. Since then, I have written about student projects and achievements, fall and winter sports, and  taking photos to accompany our social media and various articles. I am serving as The Critic’s Editor-in-Chief for my second consecutive year, having previously served as Associate Editor my first year at college.

I would like to thank our readers for standing by us as The Critic continues to evolve in this new world and build itself up to be the best it can be. Let us write our names in the history of our community!


Meet Treasurer Kaitlin Flannigan

Hello, my name is Kaitlin Flannigan and I am the new Treasurer of The Critic year 2020-2021. I go by Katie, with the pronouns she/her. I’m majoring is Broadcast and Digital Journalism, I am also getting an associate in Psychology and possibly a minor in Film Studies. I occasionally write articles for The Critic.

I got involved with The Critic last semester, being in my first year. My goal is to collect more readers and writers over this upcoming year. I personally am really excited to be more involved and look forward to what this year will bring.


Meet SGA Representative Becca Fauteux

Im Becca Fauteux, and I go by she/her pronouns. I major in Illustration and Graphic Design, and Im a fourth year. Ive been involved with The Critic since my first year, so its simultaneously my fourth year at NVU-Lyndon and at The Critic. Ive held the position of SGA Representative for two years going on three. My duty as Rep is to attend SGA meetings and write reports summarizing the events of each meeting. I also write and illustrate a music review column called Left of The Dial” (LOTD for short), which focuses on albums I find obscure and worth exposing to a larger audience.

I was initially drawn into The Critic with a request for artists and designers but ended up getting into writing since the club was so short-staffed at the time. I hope that this year, we can get at least one print copy of The Critic issued and keep making steps toward providing a wide variety of content for our readers.

As my closing note, I’d like to say that I’m highly grateful for our readers since they’ve been so patient with us as we build the club back up from the ashes.I’m looking forward to seeing them again this year, and I hope they’ll continue to enjoy my reports, columns, and illustrations!