
NVU-Lyndon’s Second COVID-19 Case Leads to Third

In a notice to the NVU community last night, President Elaine Collins confirmed a third positive COVID-19 on the Lyndon campus. This case is directly linked to the second positive case reported last week and Collins says was completely expected.

“Though the student’s test did not immediately come back positive, we isolated the student immediately when last week’s case was suspected. We have completed our own internal contact tracing and are working with the Vermont Department of Health on any next steps should they arrive,” Collins wrote.

4,386 COVID-19 tests have been administered to students and employees on both NVU campuses, with another testing opportunity today and next Monday, November 16 from 10:00 AM until 1:00 PM. Testing is held in the Bole Gym on the Lyndon campuses and the Multi Gym on the Johnson campus.

With just over a week of in-person instruction left, President Collins is asking that students, faculty, and staff limit travel and continue adhering to the NVU Health Pledge. In yesterday’s notice, she wrote that “Your health—and the NVU community’s health—depends on it.”


Feature Photo by Alexandra Huff || Stock photo – Fall 2020