
NVU Sees First COVID-19 Positive Case at Lyndon Campus

Northern Vermont University is reporting its first COVID-19 case. A remote commuting student” of the Lyndon campus tested positive for COVID-19 and is now in quarantine. They will be “receiving off-site services” according to NVU President Elaine Collins. 

In an email to the NVU community, Collins reported that the university has administered 3,849 tests on both campuses over the course of the semester. This is the first and only positive case. “We have prepared for this and have taken appropriate action,” she wrote. 

“This positive case reinforces how incredibly important it is for our students to stay put during the next week’s two-day break. Vermont is surrounded by counties that are now considered unsafe for all but essential travel. Please, do not travel.” -NVU President Elaine Collins

The next on-campus testing opportunities for NVU students and employees will be Thursday, October 29 and Monday, November 2 from 10:00 AM until 1:00 PM in the Bole Gym on the Lyndon campus and the Multi Gym on the Johnson campus. 


Feature Photo (stock) by Alexandra Huff