
Parking Permits

A new cost has arisen for students of Northern Vermont University-Lyndon; Parking permits are an additional expense during this new school year. While the permit remains free for first year students, returning students will now be required to pay $50 for a single semester or $75 for the fall and spring semesters combined.

I spoke to Brian Michaud, the Interim Director of Public Safety, on the topic of the fees. Michaud explained, “The new fee was adopted to help defray the cost of printing and mailing parking permits as well as to help pay for snow removal equipment, line painting, paving and updated signage. Just this summer, The Wheelock, Lower Vail, and Sodexo parking lots were paved, Upper Vail and Stonehenge parking lots were re-striped and new wayfinding signs were installed. Last semester, NVU – Lyndon also purchased a new bucket loader to assist with snow removal to push back snow banks which was a job that we had to contract out in the past.”

Michaud also clarified that the fee isn’t related to the transition to NVU, but instead relies entirely on this need to effectively maintain the parking lots. Previously, the expenses were drawn from the tuition of students. This new system allows for students to be charged deliberately based on their need or want of a car on campus and offset some of the overall cost of lot maintenance.

A benefit of the new parking passes, which are hanging laminated passes, is that the passes can be passed between registered cars. This is particularly useful for students who may have more than one vehicle or a different vehicle later into the year. Additionally, Michaud noted, “There is now more versatility in parking on campus this year. Commuters may now park in any lot except for the Wheelock and Sodexo lots… Residential students may park in any of the residential lots, not just the lot associated with their building.”

In this new year, it also is important to be aware of traffic and parking regulations on campus. While a complete set of these regulations for the 2018-2019 school year can be found at the bottom of Lyndon’s Public Safety page, here are some important things to know:

  • Fees for permits are non-refundable and cannot be transferred to a different student.
  • Public Safety encourages students and staff to immediately report lost or stolen permits. However, it is important to note that permits that have been reported as missing will be voided and will need to be replaced for a fee of $50.
  • Permits must be hung from or attached to the rearview mirror of the vehicle. The text should be facing out of the vehicle, as to be easily read (and to avoid ticketing).
  • All new vehicles must be registered with Public Safety.
  • Ticketed students have the right to appeal tickets, but all appeals must be filed within 14 days of the violation.
Per Public Safety, here is a complete list of possible fines:
No valid permit displayed     $25
Parking in a prohibited area $20
Parking in a space or area reserved for others $20
Failure to obey regulatory signs $20
Occupying more than one space $20
Unsafe or negligent driving $50
Parking in handicapped space $75
Parking in fire lane $50
Driving or parking on grassy areas $20
Parking on sidewalks or on roads $20
Parking within the interior of campus $50
Immobilization (boot) fee $50
Violation of winter/sweeping parking Ban $50
Towed vehicle charge $50
Other violations $ amounts vary