
Rugby has Returned to NVU-Lyndon

This past Sunday, Lyndon’s Rugby Club hosted their first and only home game of the semester, and the community has never been more excited. While the club has been “active” under the Student Government, the sport has lost its staple trademark on the campus over the past few years. However, with this game, their return to NVU-Lyndon has begun!

Representing Colby-Sawyer, Lyndon’s Ben Heckler tackles fellow club member playing for Framingham State, Aaron Florence. Fellow Hornet James McAllister comes up from behind to assist. || Photo taken by Rory Conroy

Framingham State University and Colby-Sawyer College were invited to the NVU-Lyndon Rugby Field, which has historically been listed as one of the most beautiful rugby fields in the world, to play a game with the Lyndon players. While the club is made up of 13 members (Co-President Ben Heckler, Co-President Ben Johnson, Collin Allard, Cody Heald, Aaron Florence, Logan Oddy, Jayson Perron, Ryan Richards, Joey Gonzalez-Lyons, James McAllister, Hunter Judd, Darian Quinn, and Justin Anaya), 15 are needed for a full team. The Rugby Club has recently been taken on by Coach Flip Buttling, a Lyndon State Rugby alum who has decades of experience in the sport.

In the case of Sunday’s contest, eight of the Rugby Club’s players were divided between the two bigger teams. Buttling floated between the teams to help coach wherever he could. Framingham State gave extra jerseys to Johnson, Florence, Heald, and McAllister. Heckler, Oddy, Gonzalez-Lyons, and Perron joined Colby-Sawyer’s ranks in their own Lyndon jerseys.

Lyndon players wait on the sidelines for their turn on the field. Left to Right: Cody Heald, Ben Johnson, Joey Gonzalez-Lyons, and Jayson Perron. || Photo taken by Alexandra Huff

The game started at 1 PM with high energy. Families and friends of the Lyndon players attended in support, though many had no idea what rugby was or how it worked. Even with no scoreboard, students in attendance vouch for how exhilarating the experience was to anticipate who would score next and how.

Similarly, the Rugby Club athletes expressed what a great opportunity this past weekend was and how much they learned. In a statement to The Critic, Heckler wrote, “Rugby is, as we have been finding out, a game of gentleman where there is a sense of camaraderie between both sides of the field. The other teams in the league take each other in and help wherever they can. We have learned a lot in the last few weeks and can’t wait to continue! We will be playing scrimmages and practicing through the winter in anticipation of our Spring 7’s season.”

Lyndon Hornets Ben Heckler and Logan Oddy (in the green and gold stripes) help push Colby-Sawyer forward in a scrum. || Photo taken by Alexandra Huff.

Johnson expressed the same excitement for the game and the get-together afterward. All the players and coaches of the teams sat down for some pizza and enjoyed casual and game conversation. Johnson said that “Compliments were flying from one side to the other and by the end of it all, it seemed like everyone had been friends for 10+ years. This is the part of rugby that truly hooked me. Like our coach said, ‘Rugby is unlike any other sport you will ever play.’”

Co-Presidents Ben Johnson (left) and Ben Heckler (right) meet on the field. “This was right after I had a short run through the defense and was stopped by 3 players, one of which was Johnson. I rolled up to tell him what a great stop that was and he told me that I wasn’t going anywhere. I reminded him that it had only happened because he had two people backing him up. Truly was one of the highlights of the game for us both,” Heckler told The Critic. || Photo taken by Alexandra Huff

Heckler says that Rugby is working its way back into the community and trying to make itself present on the campus once again. “We will be increasing our presence with fundraisers, charitable events, and other happenings in the community. The one I am looking forward to the most is the Chili Cookoff at the Lyndon Outing Club on November 9th,” he told The Critic.

Keep an eye out for more Rugby shenanigans and news during the winter months and the upcoming Spring Semester! Johnson claims that they are expecting to recruit a few more students to have a full side next semester. “Rugby is big and it’s only getting bigger, so hop in while you can and challenge yourself mentally and physically with something new and exciting!” he said.

Framingham State hosts Lyndon Hornets Aaron Florence and James McAllister on the field as they collectively work to stop Colby-Sawyer. || Photo taken by Rory Conroy

The Rugby Club is officially back, and with such a young and dedicated team, they are expected to stay for years to come.


Featured Photo: Framingham State and their Lyndon guests huddle up during halftime on one of the world’s most beautiful rugby fields. || Photo taken by Alexandra Huff

Photography provided by Rory Conroy and Alexandra Huff.