
Second Positive COVID-19 Case at NVU-Lyndon

It was announced that Friday, November 6, a “live-in employee” at the NVU-Lyndon campus had tested positive for COVID-19. This would be the second confirmed case since the beginning of the Fall 2020 semester, coming just over two weeks after the previous case. This most recent positive case “is in isolation” according to NVU President Elaine Collins.

NVU has administered a total of 4,376 COVID-19 tests to students and employees on both campuses so far. Two testing opportunities remain before the end of the semester.

In an email to the NVU Community on Friday, President Collins wrote “We have two weeks left before our students head home for Thanksgiving break and the end of the semester. You have all done an incredible job adhering to health and safety guidelines during this pandemic. I ask you to keep it up—wear masks, keep social distance, and wash your hands. We cannot let up.”

The final testing opportunities for students and employees on both campuses will be this upcoming Thursday, November 12 and next Monday, November 16. Testing will begin at 10:00 AM and continue until 1:00 PM in the Bole Gym on the Lyndon campus and the Multi Gym on the Johnson campus both days. 


Feature Photo by Alexandra Huff || Stock photo of Do North banner – Fall 2020