
SGA Creates “Club Appreciation Week”

In light of diminishing student involvement, the Student Government Association will be hosting Club Appreciation Week from March 15 to March 19. The goal of this week of celebration, according to SGA President Gill Macdonald, is for the student body “to recognize and appreciate the [organizations and individuals] who all go above and beyond to make their campus experience better.”

The idea was brought to the SGA Executive Board by SGA Advisor Mike Secreti during a discussion about how to get students more involved. It was then announced at last week’s SGA meeting that this week-long celebration would indeed take place later this month.

Within this week, the SGA is looking to recognize clubs, club advisors, club seniors, club first-years, and club presidents. Nominations for these organizations and individuals to be recognized will be accepted until March 12. Anyone is allowed to nominate clubs, advisors, and members through a Wufoo form.

All nominees with receive awards throughout Club Appreciation Week. Nominated first-years will be recognized on Monday, March 15; seniors on Tuesday, March 16; presidents on Wednesday, March 17; advisors on Thursday, March 18; and whole clubs on Friday, March 19.

This celebration will not be replacing the club-related awards given at the end of each year during the Leadership Awards ceremony. At this celebration, the Club of The Year, Club Event of The Year, Club Advisor of The Year, and Club Community Service awards are traditionally announced. Macdonald clarified that Club Appreciation Week is an SGA sanctioned event and is completely unrelated to the Leadership Awards.

The general consensus of Club Appreciation Week during the SGA meeting on February 24 was accepting and neutral. AMS/NWA President Bobby Saba hopes that the NVU-Lyndon community takes this event seriously. “It has a lot of potential… I think there’s a lot of participation and work that goes into every single club on campus that can be recognized and put in a really good light, because people deserve it,” he told The Critic.


Feature Photo designed by Alexandra Huff