
SGA Meeting – April 21, 2021

The sixth SGA meeting of the spring semester took place on April 21 at 8:05pm in the Moore Community Room (ASAC 100) and virtually via Zoom.  The meeting was also live-streamed on the SGA’s Facebook page.

Student Body Comments

A commuter student highlighted a problem with communication between the campus and commuter students regarding on-campus events.  Kate Henriques said that her fellow commuters only got notified about Spring Weekend the week prior, which made it near impossible for them to get time off from work to attend.

Reports & Presentations

For the financial update, the available balance is $56,439.75 and the total amount is $82,888.02.

Erin Rossetti then made a presentation on recruitment for student involvement. She explained that since student involvement is going down, the campus is going to try advertising clubs earlier, starting as soon as students arrive for orientation and fall check-in. Each club will be given a $500 limit to make proposals for merchandise or any other forms of advertisement that can be given to new students.  Proposals need to be submitted to Rossetti by May 7 so the items can be ordered and prepared during the summer break.

Next, the club budgets for the 2021-22 school year were announced. Clubs requested their annual budgets based on need (Line A) and want (Line B). The actual amount they will receive next year was determined by the SGA Budgeting Committee. Some clubs were approved smaller amounts of “now money” to buy things in the remaining days of this academic year using the surplus in the SGA General Fund. The SGA voted in favor of approving the budget as is.

Photo Courtesy of the Student Government

Discussion & Action Items

Continuing the Student Activity Account discussion, Lyndon F.A.I.R. had recommended some ideas regarding the flag idea.  They proposed that the campus ponder the questions of “why are we flying these flags and what are we trying to say with them?” and “what will we do if the flags are vandalized?” before moving forward with the idea.

A new proposal for the Student Activities budget was to install a pool/game table in the Student Center.  While the reception was positive, concerns were brought up about the space the table would take up and the expenses that would come with upkeep.

The disc golf course maintenance project put forward a “Gold Standard” signage package for the SGA to vote on.  The proposal, costing $3,910, would consist of updating the hole signs, trail signs, and installing maps along the course. Since there were other items that were put forward on the recommendation aside from the various sign packages, the SGA decided to vote on the rest of them.  With a majority vote, a $3,150 landscaping fee was added to the package. A proposal that was ultimately rejected was for a second set of concrete t-pads for easier playing options, which would cost a total of $11,800 to install.  The next item that was added to the total was a new set of equipment for maintaining the land, which would include a zero-turn lawnmower, a push-mower, and weed-whacker, costing a total of $3,600.  A final consideration that was ultimately tabled was a seasonal maintenance estimate ranging from $7,140 to $11,900.

The final package consisted of the Gold Standard sign maintenance, the landscaping costs, and the equipment fee, totaling $10,660, which was passed with a majority vote.

The next vote was for a set of Adirondack chairs to go on campus grounds. The proposed types were double-chair sets with a table in between, single rocking chairs, and singles with footrests. A decision was made to vote on a type, but to table the budget vote until a quote from a local manufacturer could be found.  The double-chairs won with a majority vote.

After that, the next vote was held to establish a $10,000 emergency fund for students, which would be taken on by the 10% Committee for management. This vote passed.

Finally, moving away from the Student Activities Account, a Spring Weekend funding request was made.  Executive Vice President Katie Flannigan spoke on behalf of the Spring Weekend Planning Committee to ask for $4,343.18 to help cover the costs of the weekend.  The request was passed.

Other Business

The Leadership Awards Ceremony will be held on Friday, April 30 from 2:00 to 3:00pm.

Regarding the future of graduation hoods, it was clarified that they would be offered to students up until the merger is officially adopted.  Commemorative Lyndon State College diplomas will be an option for students who attended under that name, and instructions will be announced at the next SGA meeting on how to obtain one.

Club & Committee Updates

Model UN is still making moves to complete the merging of both NVU branches of the club, which would make it the first merged NVU club.

Residential Life announced that the residence halls would be closing on May 14, and students should plan to leave by then at the latest, or within 24 hours after their final exam.

MEISA restated that Greggfest is happening on May 1, and they’re requesting assistance from other clubs to help run the event. Volunteers are needed for security, ticket booth, and parking.

The meeting concluded at 10:45pm.  The next and final meeting of the academic year will be on May 5, same time and same place.  We hope to see you there!