
SGA Meeting – March 10, 2021

The third SGA meeting of the spring semester took place on March 10 at 8:02 pm in the Moore Community Room (ASAC 100) and remotely via Zoom.  The Zoom call was livestreamed on the SGA’s Facebook page if you’d like to check out the full meeting.

Reports & Presentations

The first presentation was a Q&A with NVU President Elaine Collins regarding graduation for the Class of 2021 and the VSCS consolidation.  Questions were raised on whether graduation should be moved to the late summer or the fall, and why graduation was decided so quickly to be remote even when other schools in the state are planning in-person ceremonies.  Collins explained that they had to make the decision to go remote early so they can plan the ceremony as thoroughly as possible and that it’s certainly possible to be able to plan something in-person for Senior Week if the COVID infection rate stays low and vaccinations continue to roll out as scheduled.  She further explained that the university is publishing a survey for seniors and trying to put together an advisory group to make sure students can get a ceremony that’s satisfactory given the current situation.

The subject of graduation photos came up, specifically whether arrangements could be made so graduates can get photos in front of their school banner with their families.  NVU Dean of Students Jonathan Davis was quick to answer that the idea would be considered.  When asked about the possibility of remote students coming to campus with testing and quarantining for an in-person ceremony, it was made clear that it would be too expensive and likely put the graduation ceremony over the state limit for capacity.

The decision to go remote for commencement was a decision that had to be consistent across the VSC, but Collins explained that there is freedom for students to plan Senior Week independently.  While it was confirmed that students would be able to buy caps and gowns, it was more ambiguous whether hoods or Lyndon State College commemorative diplomas would be offered as well.  Hoods were promised to the classes of 2019 and 2020 after the NVU merger in an SGA meeting in the fall of 2018, confirmed by Tracy Sherbrook. 2021 graduates were to be part of the new graduation cord tradition starting on both NVU campuses.  Other students suggested that hoods be made an option on both campuses, and that the upcoming survey should include a question to garner interest on offering hoods to buy, since those are typically paid for by the students and not by the university.

The financial update revealed that the SGA had an available budget of $56,939.75 and a total of $83,388.02.

Moving on to student involvement, it was decided to hang new boards between Public Safety and The Hornet’s Nest as club boards.  The blank grey tiles across from the already in place bulletin boards will be decorated for each club to advertise themselves. Additionally, the SGA Executive Board had their first meeting with the outside party that will be assisting with updating the constitution, and the full review will be done over the next few weeks.

Discussion & Action Items

The SGA is planning to talk with the Student Activity Account committee to determine where the Penguin Solarium could be placed on campus, as well as how an SGA-affiliated emergency fund could be applied.  When asking for feedback about possible annex upgrades, students were adamant about adding/upgrading printers to all of the department annexes.  They also requested that the annexes remain open for longer hours, especially for those who come to campus at odd hours.

Other Business

As you may have already seen, there are multiple opportunities open to apply for student leadership positions.  Go to www.northernvermont.edu/studentleaders to learn more.  Positions include Peer Leaders, RAs, Public Safety officers, and more.

Club & Committee Updates

The Twilight Players are continuing to rehearse for their variety show on April 10th.  MEISA held their board elections and finally have a full executive board.

The meeting adjourned at 9:34 pm.  The next meeting will be on March 24, same time and same place.  We hope to see you there!