
SGA Meeting – March 20, 2019

The fourth Student Government Association meeting of the Spring semester took place on March 20th at 8:00pm in the Moore Community Room (ASAC 100).  This time around, the meeting was not live-streamed, so you won’t find this meeting on the SGA’s Facebook page.

During Student Body Comments, President Jake Fortin announced his departure from SGA due to scheduling conflicts.  After his announcement, Allison took on his position and continued to lead the meeting.  Trevor Utton commented on the benches and bike rack in Stonehenge.  He said the benches were worn out and that the bike rack had been wrecked by the plows, then suggested asking Maintenance to fix the benches and be more careful with the plowing next year.

Several items were discussed in Reports and Presentations.  The first was going over some changes to the NVU Poster Policy.  From now on, only tacks can be used to hang posts on the SALC boards.  Posters need to have the SGA logo somewhere, and must be removed shortly after the event advertised.  Finally, posters may ONLY be posted on the SALC boards (meaning they can’t be posted on glass, walls, or on any painted surface) and need approval from the SGA beforehand.  Another set of changes were made to the SGA Meeting Attendance Policy.  Like before, every club needs to have an SGA representative and that rep must be on time for meetings.  Now, the SGA permits three unexcused absences from meetings without any consequences.  Upon the fourth absence, the club’s voting power and budget will be frozen, and the fifth will automatically disband the club.

The Community Conversation regarding the anonymous student letter read at a prior meeting has been rescheduled to Thursday, April 18th at 12:00pm in ASAC 100.  All sorts of important people will be attending this conversation, with President Collins, Interim Director of Public Safety Brian Michaud and Officer Charlie Forrest being just a few examples.  Spring Day plans are still being worked on, and any clubs who wish to propose an activity must complete an application form (found on the SGA’s website) and get it to Lauren Cornell by the next meeting on April 3rd.

In Discussion and Action Items, the Financial Update portion stated that the budget was at $11,550.  Club budgeting time is here again, so head over to the SGA’s website to grab a budget application.  They will be due April 17th at 4:00pm, and the budget presentations will be held on Thursday, April 18th in ASAC 214. For those on club executive boards, your club’s presentation time will be disclosed through email, so make sure your club has an email shared with the SGA so they can contact you.  Budget allocation presentations will finally be held on April 19th in ASAC 214.

A new club was pitched to the SGA during this meeting: the Lyndon Genealogy Club.  Genealogy is the study of family ancestral lines, and this club hopes to offer self-discovery and education.  They would also like to branch out to community service and offer the club as a unique aspect of NVU-Lyndon.  Meetings would be bi-weekly for the general board, and monthly for the Exec Board.  They won’t have a budget this year, but will apply for one in time for next year.  This semester will be focused on scouting for members and further establishing aspects of the club.  With an overwhelming majority vote, the club was approved to become official.

Club Updates were minimal this time around.  CAB announced that applications for the New York trip will be available on Monday the 25th.  They will be offering no-sew tote bags on Tuesday during community hour, and INK Spoken Word & Poetry on Thursday at 8pm.  Student Life reminded people that housing deposits would be due by April 15th at 4:00pm.  Selection will take place on April 16th, with your time depending on a combination of your accumulated credits and GPA.  Admissions was proud to say that their latest Accepted Students Day was a rousing success with some of the highest attendance in the college’s history.  The Twilight Players announced next year’s productions, which will be Night of the Living Dead in the Fall, and Carrie in the Spring.  Sports Medicine will be hosting CPR training sessions on April 19th and May 3rd.  Finally, the SGA is accepting applications for their Executive Board, which will be due April 19th at 4:00pm.  Elected reps need 50 signatures on their petitions, and Exec Board positions need 150.

The meeting ended at 8:55pm.  The next meeting will take place on April 3rd, same time, same place.  We hope to see you there!