
SGA Meeting – March 24, 2021

The fourth SGA meeting of the spring semester took place on March 24th at 8:03pm in the Moore Community Room (ASAC 100) and remotely via Zoom.  It was also live-streamed via the SGA’s Facebook page.

Student Body Comments

A comment came up about the slideshow up in the theatre lobby being outdated.  Despite being well into the spring semester, it still displays a comment welcoming students back to the fall.  Another concern was risen about the banners on the light poles needing to be fixed since a handful of them are falling off their poles or outright missing.

Reports & Presentations

For the financial update, the available funds are $56,939.75, and the total funds are $83,388.02.

Under student involvement updates, the club bulletin board idea is in full swing, and clubs will need to get their board ready by April 14.  Club budget proposals are underway, and proposals must be submitted to the SGA no later than Friday, April 2.

Discussion & Action Items

Ideas are still being discussed for the Student Activities Account.  Focusing on the outdoor space, President Gill MacDonald explained that the student body needs to figure out what they want in an outdoor space. The previously proposed Penguin Solarium would be considered a permanent structure and would not be able to be moved once in place, and it’s not fit for winter weather conditions Vermont sees itself in. A temporary space, however, wouldn’t have to be subjected to a long period of planning and construction and could be easily moved.

For the flag idea, the SGA is contemplating 30-or taller foot flagpoles.  The Johnson campus utilizes 25-foot poles, which made flags easy to vandalize when flown at half-mast, so using poles taller than that would reduce the chances of the flags being vandalized.

Club & Committee Updates

Model UN is working with the Johnson branch to plan simultaneous food drives across both NVU campuses.  More details will come out later, but start stocking up on non-perishables if you’d like to donate.

Dance Ensemble is working on preparing for their Spring Recital on April 17.

The meeting concluded at 8:58pm.  The next meeting will take place on April 7, same time and same place.  We hope to see you there!