
SGA Meeting – May 7, 2019

The final meeting of the Student Government Association for the 2018-2019 school year took place on May 1st at 8:10pm in ASAC 100.  The meeting was live-streamed through the SGA Facebook page, so go check it out if you’re curious what went on.

In Reports and Presentations, a new club was voted into the SGA.  NVUnity presented itself as a college-level gay alliance club, hoping to raise awareness and support the LGBT community.  They plan to work closely with Johnson and their alliance club.  They will get started next year.  In the Financial Update, the budget remained unchanged since last meeting, sitting at $10,935.  Budgeting has wrapped up for the year, and SGA wants to remind people that their budgets don’t roll over each year.  A club’s allocated budget is meant to be spent, so spend, spend, spend!  Just make sure not to go above your budget.

Under Discussion and Action items, several clubs changed their constitutions to fix any loopholes and/or problems.  These clubs include CAB, Genealogy, Veteran’s Club, and the SGA themselves.  Veteran’s Club also changed their name, from the Student Veteran’s Association to just the Veteran’s Association.  The Film Club was also disbanded due to a lack of activity.  Finally, a motion was passed to reserve $10,000 for the Adventure Program for the next school year, until Katy Ebner comes to the SGA with a plan in the fall.  This money is NOT guaranteed to all go to the program, it’s just being set aside so it won’t be spent until it’s decided what will be done with it.

In Other Business, SGA elections will remain open, as they didn’t get close to the vote amount they needed.  If you have any interest in joining the SGA’s Exec Board, contact them to get more information!  They will require members for next year, and they will train you for your position if you decide to join.  Club and Committee Updates were minimal.  Peer Leaders are still taking applications and performing interviews for new Peer Leaders, and Intervarsity Christian Association is looking for members and Exec Board members.

The meeting concluded at 9:56pm.  Be sure to follow The Critic next year, where I will continue to update you on what’s going on at the SGA meetings!  From all of us to you, have an amazing summer, and we will look forward to hearing from you next year!