
SGA Meeting – November 18, 2020

The final SGA meeting of the fall semester took place on November 18 online via Zoom.  It was also streamed live to the SGA’s Facebook page in case you missed the meeting.

In the Student Body Comments section, concerns came up about the spikes in COVID cases and the lack of mandatory testing on campus.  Some people haven’t been getting tested as often as they should due to the on-campus tests being optional.  Some students also can’t make the testing periods due to scheduling conflicts.

A question was also brought up about whether the next semester might take place completely remotely.  Erin Rossetti confirmed that the idea had not been discussed and that the plan is still going forward for next semester to be in person.

For the financial update, the available funding for SGA spending is $65,473.42, and the total funds are $98,023.42.

The discussion then turned to the Student Activity Account.  President Gillian MacDonald showed off an example of an outdoor gazebo-type space that the account could be used for.  They can be opened up during the warmer weather and be wired up with electricity and heating during the colder weather to be used year-round.  When locations were debated, people seemed to gravitate toward putting the gazebo by the Library Pond where the outdoor tent had been pitched for most of the semester.

In other business, Gillian briefly discussed planning for Lyndon Day and Spring Day.  Lyndon Day is scheduled for February 12, 2020, and Spring Day is scheduled for April 23-25, 2020.

The SGA planned on discussing some potential Leadership Workshops with Dave Kelly, but a technical error resulted in the email pitching the idea never reaching the SGA representatives.  Mike Secreti forwarded the email to everyone so the clubs can discuss the ideas over the break.  Some potential workshop ideas are “Be a Positive Force for Change,” “Confidence as a Leader,” “Making the Most of your 24/7,” and more.

For club and committee updates, all club meetings and activities have been restricted to an online format due to Governor Phil Scott’s latest COVID regulations in the wake of a second wave.  Due to it also being the end of the semester, clubs are planning out their next semester while also taking the new regulations into account.

The meeting concluded at 8:50 PM.  We hope you enjoy the break, and we’ll see you next semester!