
SGA Meeting – November 4, 2020

The sixth SGA meeting of the fall semester took place on November 4 at 8:03 PM in the Moore Community Room (ASAC 100) and online via Zoom.  The meeting was streamed live on the SGA’s Facebook page as always, so check it out if you want to see more about the meeting.

There were no student body comments this time.  In the financial update, Katie Flannigan gave the results for the Student Activity Budget vote from the previous meeting, which voted to narrow down what topics to discuss further for where to allocate the budget.  SALC won with 9 votes, followed closely by creating outdoor spaces and the idea of a clubhouse.  Other results were expanding printing stations, creating and/or expanding health programs, improvements to the disc golf course, residence hall updates, security cameras, and seating spaces.

Under outdoor spaces, consideration was given specifically for building another gazebo for students to work in outdoors, and ideas were raised for wiring outlets and heating inside so it could be used year-round.  By extension, the idea was raised to combine the gazebo idea with the clubhouse idea so it could serve a wider purpose.  The clubhouse was proposed to be not just a meeting space for clubs, but also provide office spaces for club executive boards to hold office hours.  Room T202 was proposed for this purpose, but scheduling conflicts could arise from it being a classroom.  Other proposals include the old Daycare building and the old Bookstore space.

Printing space was then considered.  It was noted that since the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been much less demand for students to use a printer since most of their assignments are submitted online.

On the topic of health programs, Renee Chaples spoke with one of the therapists at the Brown House, who had suggested ideas for group therapy and offering internships at Brown House for psychology majors.

Disc golf’s main idea was to put the money toward maintaining the course and putting up signs that more clearly lay out the path for players.

For residence hall changes, ideas were posed to find a better way to prevent the TV remotes from being stolen from the lounges, as well as making the process of plugging devices into the HDMI port of each TV easier.  Another idea was to replace any suite fridges that need replacing since, at the moment, residence halls are not replacing them if they break down.

It wasn’t made clear what kind of camera is being proposed, though it’s assumed that this means security cameras.  The campus has a lack of security cameras in efficient places and the current ones in rotation could stand to be updated.  If you have any ideas you’d like to propose for discussion, submit them to the SGA via email.

Moving on, the available SGA funds are $65,473.42 and the total is $98,023.42.

In discussion and action items, four candidates spoke prior to the 10% Committee vote: Alexandra Huff, Jesse Munroe, Benjamin Labeau, and Alexander Therriault.    With majority votes, Huff and Munroe scored the spots on the 10% Committee.

In other business, Lyndon Day is planned for February 12, 2021.  Clubs should submit their proposal forms by January 29.  Spring Day is planned for April 23-25, 2021, and the SGA is looking for people to help with planning.  Chaples presented a big thank you to all the clubs that participated in Halloweek and congratulated everyone on the event’s success.

For club and committee updates, many simply restated their meeting times with no new updates.  The Peer Leaders are hoping to have an in-person SOAR session in January for incoming students, which is still in the planning stage.

The meeting concluded at 9:54 PM.  The next and final meeting of the Fall 2020 semester will be on November 18, same time and same place.  We hope to see you there!