
SGA Meeting – October 31, 2018

The latest Student Government Association meeting took place on Halloween, October 31st, at 8:07 pm, in the Moore Community Room.

​Announced during the reports and presentations section, the general fund has been reduced to $27,000.  $500 was spent on candy for Trunk or Treat and on candy that was provided at the meeting, $100 was given to The Critic, $55 was given to MEISA, and $375 was given to SAAC. SGA President Jacob Fortin reminded those at the meeting that the SGA executie board could internally approve up to $500 in funding without requiring a meeting-wide vote—this is especially useful for urgent requests. The new Safe Ride program is urging students to sign up as drivers, as so far they dont have any names. Once the program is in place, this could be a paid position, so students are encouraged to contact the SGA if they are interested. 

Under club updates, WWLR announced its grand return to the SGA after several years of on and off absences.  They plan on making the club into something that will bring the community together.  They are inviting students to pitch ideas for radio shows, so get into contact with them if youd like to have your own radio show!  Acapella is planning some fundraisers and going through ideas.  One particular idea was for a Bad Movie Marathon,which challenges students to sit through three terrible films in one sitting.  They would then donate a certain amount of money, paying less and less the longer they can tolerate the movies.  The Twilight Players expressed their interest in collaborating with Acapella for a couple shows in the future, and Veteransclub would like to do some community service involving going around and replacing the tattered flags on veterans’ and local properties.  Finally, Model UN is working on putting together an open LinkedIn workshop for anyone on campus to access.  It would be a way to educate people on the platform, and especially help impending graduates prepare for job hunting with it.

The SGA has announced that, due to medical issues, their Administrative Vice President has resigned.  The position is now open to new candidates if anyone is interested.  Starting on November 14th, the SGA meetings will be broadcast live via Facebook Live in an effort to get more people involved and allow for people with tight schedules to participate in the meetings.

The meeting ended at 9:03 pm, and as indicated earlier, the next meeting will be on November 14th at the same time and location.  We hope you will tune in next time!