
SGA Meeting – September 15, 2021

The second Student Government Association general business meeting of the semester began on Wednesday, September 15 at 8:02 PM in the Moore Community Room.

Student Body Comments

A student brought up concerns about the disc golf course and how the back half of the course is overgrown. They inquired about money for new mowers that was set aside by the SGA last semester. NVU Dean of Students Jonathan Davis clarified that the current lawn keeping equipment should still work. He encouraged members on the Ultimate Frisbee club to volunteer or look for volunteers to mow the lawn.

Reports & Presentations

Ryan Cooney, the Student Trustee for the Vermont State Colleges–including both Northern Vermont University campuses, Vermont Tech, and Castleton–gave a speech about what he has been doing with the Board of Trustees thus far. It is Cooney’s second year in the position, but it is his first time visiting the Lyndon campus.

He has been working with the board on the Newly Combined Entity merger. The number of academic programs offered through the NCE is expected to change from around 250 to around 100. All campuses will remain, but the board is still working out which campuses will hold which programs.

Lyndon fourth year Alexandra Huff spoke on concerns about school individuality and how that it was lost during the Northern Vermont University merger. She also brought up concerns with administration in the merge, inquiring about having head administration on each campus to pass along student and faculty messages. It is too early to give an answer, Cooney said, but it will be brought up in the next trustees meeting.

Huff also mentioned the proposed timeline for the NCE, and that they are seemingly behind schedule, as new program delivery was supposed to begin in September 2021. Cooney denied any set backs in the plan to launch the new university model in July 2023.

Courtesy of the Vermont State Colleges Chancellor’s Office || In a transformation proposal made by Chancellor Sophie Zdatny in February, a timeline for the Newly Combined Entity, then labeled “VSU” was laid out.

Following Cooney’s presentation was a financial update. The total SGA balance is $60,220.15.

Discussion & Action Items

The student activity fund update started off by assessing the SGA Debt Sheet. The projected income and actual income for the 2021-22 school year were off, leaving a deficit of $35,427. On top of the deficit, the Veteran’s Association overspent by $3,683.59 before they were disbanded last year, and the SGA planned expenses exceeded the balance by $90.20.

Courtesy of SGA Financial Controller Patrick Wickstrom || Wickstrom presented the general assembly with an “SGA Debt Sheet” to map out the budgeting problem and recommended solution.

To solve this debt, the SGA assessed surpluses in other accounts. The 49900 account, known as the parent student activities account, had a surplus of $8,873.72.  The 44069 account, or 10% Committee, sat at $51,229.75.

The proposed debt solution for the deficit was to combine the surplus of the 49900 account ($8,873.72) and 10% Committee’s 2021-22 allocation of $15,579.70, and have the remaining  $10,974 be absorbed by 10%. This would result in the 10% account ending at $40,256.12 for the academic year. This plan only required votes from the 10% committee, who passed the solution on September 8, and the SGA general board. This deficit solution was passed in the vote.

The Veteran’s Association debt was motioned to be covered by the 49911 account, or the SGA general fund. That vote, too, was approved.

The Campus Activities Board made changes to its constitution. These changes included a removal in the point system for members, a requirement to review the constitution every year, a requirement to attend 3 meetings to become a member, and a requirement for executive board members to attend more than 10 events per semester that are CAB sponsored. CAB also asked that the scholarship stipend for working in an executive role was increased to $900. These changes were passed by the SGA and will be implemented starting this academic year.

Luke Parrett and Rachel Palladino of the Student Athletics Advisory Committee made a presentation of their events this semester. SAAC is planning a Save Second Base event on campus for breast cancer awareness, involving a softball and baseball scrimmage and commemorative shirts. The club is also looking to pass out shirts and candy at Trunk or Treat, which is set to occur on October 3 . Their financing request for these plans was $3,000, an increase in funding from previous years. This is because SAAC wanted to be able to provide more shirts for students and the community who attend the events. SGA also approved this funding request.

The tree removal expenses caused a heated discussion amongst those in the Moore Community Room. Maintenance is requesting that the SGA cover half of the cost of the tree removal around Library Pond, which would be around $2,500. Concerns about why SGA should cover an expense that was not for the desire but for the safety of the student body was brought up and the decision to table the discussion was made.

Three flagpoles were requested to be put up to fly representative flags of NVU-Lyndon’s community. The total cost of the three “vertical shaft, wall-mount” flagpoles would be $8,622, each flagpole costing $2,874. The high cost of these flagpoles caused confusion amongst attendees. The decision to table the discussion on flagpoles was made.

A request for Director of Facilities Mike Stevens to attend the next meeting was made since the two discussions that were tabled involved the Maintenance Department.

Club & Committee Updates

The 10% Committee has yet to meet, but has plans for implementing free feminine products, a student garden, and other commodities on campus to improve student life.

The next Student Government meeting is scheduled for September 29 at 8:00 PM in the Moore Community Room.