
SGA Meeting – September 19, 2018

The second Student Government Association meeting of the Fall 2018 semester took place on Wednesday, September 19th, in the Moore Community Room (ASAC 100). The meeting began at 8:05 pm. While not quite as long and involved as the first meeting, plenty of interesting topics were still discussed.

Under Reports and Presentations, the general fund has been reduced to $29,000 with the purchase of the rental mountain bikes approved during the last meeting.  A proposal for a new club, called the Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, made its rounds during the meeting. This club seeks to establish a Christian community at Lyndon as a chapter of the national Intervarsity Christian Fellowship organization, with Nicholas Dune as President and Dr. Benjamin Rush as the faculty advisor.  The SGA voted to table the discussion until the next meeting.

In Other Business and Goals, a reminder was made that NVU-Lyndon is a tobacco-free campus; tobacco, e-cigarettes, and vape products are not allowed to be smoked on the premises.  You are allowed to have tobacco, vape products, etc. on your person, so long as you aren’t smoking them. In other news, some ideas for collaboration with other state colleges were discussed.  One idea was for open CPR training, which would be held at various campuses within the Vermont State College system to allow for as many people as possible to participate.  Another was to take the next step in maintaining a more environmentally-friendly campus.  The Johnson campus is working on a project that will involve installing composting systems in the residence halls to decrease waste; Lyndon is interested in trying a similar idea, which could also increase the unity of the two campuses.

During Club Updates, several clubs stated they had completed electing their Executive Board members. The Critic proposed a change in their constitution that would allow Exec Board members to be voted in at any time of the semester, which was passed with a majority vote.  The Peer Leader Representative announced that fourth-week check-ins had begun with the first-year students, and that they were planning a registration carnival for the future.  Rugby Club is still looking for more members to join.  The Veteran’s Club is working together with the Marketing Committee to create a logo for themselves.  Acapella has established a regular meeting place in the Burke Mountain Room, and is working on their first song as part of their “change” theme.  The Critic also is in progress of unifying its social media, which will include creating a Twitter account, and is working together with the Electronic Journalism department to get more stories to share.  Finally, SGA Executive Lauren Cornell began the planning process for Spring Day, under the theme of “a new beginning.”

The meeting adjourned at 8:47 pm.  The next meeting will take place on October 3rd in the Moore Community Room (ASAC 100).  We hope to see you there!