
SGA Meeting – September 25, 2019

The third SGA meeting of the semester took place on Wednesday, September 25th at 8:00pm in the Moore Community Room (ASAC 100). This meeting was live-streamed on The Critic’s Facebook page, so go check that out if you would like to watch what happened.

There was only one comment from the student body, which was to promote the consideration of a LARPing (Live Action Role-Playing) club on campus, called Lyndenheim. Those interested should contact ejc07011@northernvermont.edu.

The meeting held two big reports and presentations. First up was Brian Michaud, the Director of Public Safety, to talk about any issues students had about campus safety. His first point was about the keying issue that took place a few weeks ago and how, although he was interested in installing a surveillance camera in the Wheelock parking lot for future incidents, it was unlikely that the culprit(s) who keyed the cars would be tracked down at this point. Concerns were also brought up about the number of Rita Bole residents parking in the Wheelock lot, as that lot is already too small to hold every Wheelock resident’s car. Michaud made a point that Rita Bole residents living on the third floor find it inconvenient to park in the Bole lot, and although efforts have been made to increase the number of spaces in the Wheelock lot, it will not be enough to hold every Wheelock resident’s car. Students are recommended to park where they feel it’s most convenient to them, so long as it’s in the proper parking areas. Another concern was brought up about the Wheelock boiler door slamming early in the morning and waking residents. Michaud said he would ask his team to be more careful with that door during the early hours. Michaud also explained that campus-wide lockup is performed at midnight and that any students planning on using a space after that time should contact Public Safety and let them know. He also added that should you need to go through the glass hallway or get into a building after lockup, that you should also call them.

The next presentation was from Erin Rossetti, who went over the history behind The Hive and what is planned next for it. The project began in March 2018, when CAB had a surplus of budget that needed to be spent. They decided to allocate $25,000 of that money toward a then unnamed ‘campus pub’ project. After that, two SGA meetings in the fall of 2018, October 3rd and November 28th, had presentations given about The Hive, where plans were shown off for the space and feedback was taken. This was also when an architect was hired upon the request of the Physical Plant. In the spring of 2019, contractors were hired and the work on The Hive was completed. Currently, The Hive hosted 10 events through August and September and has 9 planned for October and November. The space will continue to have improvements over the upcoming year, and suggestions for events are always open. Requests were made to keep the bar area open since it could make a good meeting space and be used for things other than serving alcohol, which Rossetti approved of.

The financial update revealed that the budget is currently at around $25,625.55. However, funds are being moved around, so this number is subject to change. All the money is accounted for though, so don’t worry that anything is missing!

During discussion and action items, Sarah Sickles ran for Class Representative for the Class of 2021. Unfortunately, she didn’t get enough votes during the meeting to win the position.

In other business, Trunk or Treat will be held in town at Bandstand Park on Halloween. If you’d like to participate, email info@lyndonvermont.edu. The NVU Leadership Conference this year is taking place at the Lyndon campus, on November 16th, with the theme of Self-Care.

In addition, there were some reminders made about the poster policy. The SGA logo must be on all posters, and they must be approved by the SGA before they can be hung up. You can get a copy of the logo by either visiting the SGA’s website or emailing Mike Secreti. If you see any outdated posters, take them down.

Club and committee updates closed off the meeting. Mike Secreti and Cab are hosting a movie screening of Mean Girls in the Hive on Thursday, October 3rd, so be sure to wear pink if you can! Residential Life announced that the residence halls will be closed on Saturday, October 5th at 10am. The dining hall will close on the 4th with dinner and reopen on the 13th with dinner. The heat has also been turned on in the residence halls, so contact Student Life if you’re hearing any hissing or pounding from the radiators. SAAC is looking for representatives for each sport, so contact them if that sparks your interest. The Veteran’s Club is also looking for a new SGA representative, as Kyla Smith will be stepping down from the role in December. Finally, the SGA Executive Board’s office hours are posted on their website, lyndonsga.com.

The meeting ended at 9:51pm. The next meeting won’t be until after break, on Wednesday, October 16th, same time, same place. We hope you have a good break and can’t wait to see you at the next meeting!