
SGA Meeting – September 25th, 2024

Last week, SGA convened once again to discuss action items for the week. This week focused on finances, new committees, and student concerns about laundry.

To start the meeting during student body comments, junior Ryder Klager discussed the state of laundry machines on campus and the common disdain around the company from students on campus. Klager mentioned a charge-back request that has been pending since the fall of 2022 due to a broken machine. When students file for charge-back requests on the laundry provider’s mobile app, another request cannot be filed until the first request is cleared. Students have been complaining about poor service from machines in all 3 dorm complexes relating to machine reliability and quality of drying services.

The rest of the meeting primarily revolved around new SGA Committees and Boards, the first being the Aquatics Committee. The Aquatics Committee was simply created with a unanimous vote by the club council, with the purpose of caring for the new fish and fish tank present in the SGA office.

The second committee was the Honors Committee, tasked with restoring the Alpha Lambda Delta honors society and expanding their scope of practice to all students, instead of primarily first year students. This committee was also passed by hand vote, with one dissenting vote from The Sting.

Finally, moves towards creating the financial board began, with the appointment of Phoenix Bulger as the first of up to four delegates with SGA affiliation. Alongside the SGA delegates, one student with no SGA affiliation is needed for the board. Anyone with interest in this position should email the financial board chair, Alley Morton.

While discussing the financial board, it was brought up that the official budget for SGA was delayed once again, mere hours before it was supposed to be revealed. Clubs are still discouraged from spending money where possible, until a budget is finalized.

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