
SGA Meeting – September 29, 2021

The third Student Government Association general business meeting began on Wednesday, September 29, at 8:04 PM in the Moore Community Room.

Reports and Presentations

Concerning the disc golf course, NVU Dean of Students Jonathan Davis gave an update on what has been accomplished and the timeline looking forward. There is a delay in the supply chain with concrete and aluminum for signs because of a shortage of raw materials. Once the materials get in, Davis is hopeful things will be done before snowfall. So far, they have been relocating baskets and removing fallen trees. In addition, members of Ultimate Frisbee received certification from Maintenance to maintain the lawn.

There is $75,885.40 available in SGA’s expenses. This reflects the costs covered in last week’s meeting, which can be reviewed here.

Discussion and Action Items

AMS/NWA President Bobby Saba gave a presentation concerning the AMS Student Conference in Houston, Texas. This is an opportunity to represent Northern Vermont University at a significant conference. It is also an opportunity for students seeking a career path to expand their network and attend an exhibition with graduate schools and businesses. Saba requested $7,500 from the SGA to cover registration and per diem food for 15 students at $500 per person. The money would help “active” AMS club members, a number estimated based on current attendance and involvement at AMS functions. A motion for the funding was taken and approved.

Joshua Dick, a freshman at NVU-Lyndon in the Atmospheric Science Department, proposed a gardening club for the Lyndon campus. Dick’s goal was to “create a club for people to enjoy themselves and for everyone else to enjoy seeing a garden on campus.” Dr. Jason Schaffer would be the advisor for the club, which hopes to work on different projects throughout campus, both inside and outside. These projects could involve painting terracotta pots, starting seeds in winter, succulent gardening, and more. Since this club would be physically altering the campus, Dick has already been in touch with Maintenance, who has approved various ideas. Dick says nine first-year students already expressed interest in the club. The SGA approved the NVU Gardening Club.

The discussion about representative flags was brought up again. There are three flags to be potentially flown in Veteran’s Park: an LGBTQ+ pride and ally flag, a Black Lives Matter flag, and a Prisoner of War flag. Davis explained that the current ideal is for the flag poles to be off the side of the LAC terrace. Davis says, “It would save us from taking up more green space with concrete foundation. Veterans Park is a central point for recreation and gathering… Flag poles off the side of the building would preserve green space.” Davis also says it would save money, as the flags would go to a greater height by starting on the building, and there would not be a need to buy taller poles.

Carter Lee, a first-year, spoke about the expenses of the flag poles totaling more than $8,000. “Are there other big things we could spend the money on to make the campus better? Would this expense take away from other potential projects?” In response to this concern, the SGA executive board said they would go over ideas collected by the campus clubs on using the 49900 account funds over October break.

SGA Executive Vice President Kaitlin Flannigan and CAB Vice President and Director of Recruitment Erica Shea have been working together concerning Halloweek. The plan is for festivities to start October 18 with The Critic’s Spooky Media Contest. CAB will be hosting a trip to Six Flags’ Freight Fest on October 16 and another to Salem, Massachusetts on October 23. Clubs and student leaders are encouraged to host activities leading up to October 31.

Other Business

SGA President Gill MacDonald asked those in attendance what they thought of VSCS Student Trustee Ryan Cooney’s visit to campus on September 15. MacDonald wondered if inviting Cooney to SGA meetings should become a more regular occurrence. Alexandra Huff, the club representative for Model UN, said, “A student trustee should visit the campus a minimum of a couple times a year to see the infrastructure and speak face to face with students.” Huff asked the SGA to host Cooney again in the spring semester and to continue transparent communications.

Club and Committee Updates

Model UN has elected officers for this year. They are currently working with the Johnson campus to see if they should go to the Harvard National Model UN Conference held in Boston this year concerning COVID-19.

MEISA announced it is no longer charging other clubs for the use of equipment for events unless it is a large event, such as the annual AMS Talent Show.

The next SGA meeting is scheduled for October 20, two weeks after students return from October break. The meeting will be held in the Moore Community Room with an 8:00 PM start.