
SGA Meeting – September 9, 2020

The second SGA meeting of the fall semester took place on Wednesday, September 9 at 8:07 PM in the Moore Community Room (ASAC 100) and online via Zoom. A recording of the meeting is available on the SGA’s Facebook page if you’d like to check it out.

During student body comments, SGA President Kate Henriques announced that the Class of 2020 diplomas will be mailed out soon, according to a contact thread she was in with the school administration. She is also working on getting answers for when the commemorative LSC diplomas will be sent out to the class.

Under reports and presentations, Theater and Programming Director Tim Mikovitz was supposed to talk about a new set of weekly programming he is arranging, but he wasn’t present at the meeting. SGA Advisor and Assitant Director of Student Life Mike Secreti spoke in his place. According to the plan, Tuesdays will be dedicated to game night in collaboration with CAB. Wednesdays will feature a musical act performing at the Dining Hall. Thursdays will have a campfire jam at the fire pit throughout September and October. Finally, Saturdays will feature local artists performing at Veteran’s Park.

The results for the SGA general election have come in. The new President is Gill MacDonald, the Executive Vice-President is Katie Flannigan, the Administrative Vice President is Renee Chaples, the Nontraditional Student Representative is Adrianne Hutchin, and the Class Representative for 2024 is Jasmyn Wilkinson. All constitutional changes were approved as well.

Under the financial update, the available Student Government funds are estimated to be $69,413.62, and the total is around $101,963.62.  The SGA also presented the proposed budget allocation for each club that submitted their proposals on time.  The total allocations are listed below.

  • The Twilight Players – $7,500
  • Kingdom Creschendos A Capella – $950
  • AMS – $2,640
  • MEISA – $14,000
  • Model UN – $4,000
  • Outing Club – $3,400
  • Rugby – $3,500
  • Ski & Ride – $3,200
  • The Critic – $678.09
  • WWLR – ,$3,700
  • Sports Management – $1,000
  • Student Investment Club – $400
  • Dance Ensemble – $750
  • NVUnity – $500
  • Geneology Club – $99

The total budget allocation for clubs added up to $46,317.09 which was under the target of $56,000. The club representatives voted to approve the allocations, which passed with a majority vote.

In other business, clubs need to complete their club contact forms ASAP. Email the SGA if your club needs a form. The SGA is also planning a monthly town hall with the NVU-Johnson Student Government, and the dates are to be determined. For club updates, some held elections for their own executive boards and constitutions. CAB has been giving out lawn chairs, and they request that you contact Mike Secreti if you missed your chance to get a chair and still want one. An update has also been made about the lack of Lyndon merchandise on the NVU online bookstore. The store is working on selling out its Johnson merch before debuting a new line of NVU-branded merch.

Henriques also bid the SGA farewell, as this was her final meeting before passing the presidential torch to Gill MacDonald. The meeting concluded at 9:07 PM.  The next SGA meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 23, same time and place. We hope to see you then!