
SGA Votes on 2022-2023 Budget, Elections Start, NVUnity Returns

The Student Government Association General Board meeting began at 8:06 pm.

Reports & Presentations

The SGA is preparing for elections of the executive board and class representatives. The Student Government will be accepting applications and petitions until Wednesday, April 27th. Running for a class representative position requires 50 signatures from NVU-Lyndon peers; running for an executive board petition requires 100 signatures. An open forum will be scheduled for Thursday, April 28th to meet the candidates as students begin voting. The new executive board will be announced on May 4th. That same week, there will be another forum to meet the new executive board.

Financial Update

Financial Controller Patrick Wickstrom presented the finances in the 49900 account, with $26,747.15 available and $62,009.91 total.

Discussion & Action Items

The SGA executive board finalized the 2022-2023 student activity budget. The projected income based on next year’s enrollment is $137,101.36, with 45% of the funds going towards the Student Government Association, 45% going towards the Campus Activities Board, and 10% going towards the Ten Percent Committee.

SGA’s allocation for 2022-2023 was estimated at $61,695.61. However, 2/3 of SGA’s money goes towards club funding and the rest goes towards events, such as Spring Day, Senior Week, and the leadership banquet. $45,204 was allocated amongst 12 clubs, with the remaining costs of other events and SGA duties estimated at $22,500. This created a combined budget of $67,404, including a budgeting deficit of $5,708.39. Wickstrom explained that unused club funds from this calendar year will return to the SGA general account and roll over into next year, eliminating the deficit with what the SGA currently has.

The general board approved the $67,404.00 budget.

Carter Toro, the SGA Representative of NVUnity, spoke to the general board on the club’s rejuvenation and their goal to be re-established as a club by the Student Government Association. Toro presented the club’s achievements so far and goals for the future. The last meeting NVUnity hosted saw a large turnout of 17 participants. The executive board consists of Alex Hume as President, Thorin Oakes as Vice President, Alexia Morrigan as Director of Marketing and Communications, Maegon Courville as Secretary, and Carter Toro as SGA Representative. The group has received donations from NVU-Johnson and an anonymous donor in order to host Pride Week this week.

The SGA approved the return of NVUnity.

Club & Committee Updates

Model UN hosted a Zoom lecture with Dr. Finkelstein and had a participation of over 40 Zoom accounts, involving students from both NVU campuses, students from other universities, and community members. The event allowed students the opportunity to learn about the Israeli/Palestinian conflicts.

MEISA will be hosting the annual Greggfest May 6th through 7th in the Stonehenge parking lot. Music is set to start at 6:00 PM both nights.

AMS judged St. Johnsbury Academy’s science fair projects.

Twilight Players has named their new executive board for next year. Brett Violett is President, Alex Hume is Vice President, Brianna Orben is Treasurer, and Libby Bille is Secretary. The group hopes to elect an SGA Representative in the fall.