
Students and Staff Learn Hands Only CPR from Red Cross

On Tuesday, Public Safety and the Red Cross teamed up to give students and staff the opportunity to learn about hands-only CPR. Brian Michaud, the Director of Public Safety on the Lyndon campus emailed the community of the event in late February. He told The Critic the event consisted of Abby Kelley and Megan Reilley from the Red Cross gave a presentation over Zoom

Out of the entire NVU-Lyndon community, only 11 participants showed up for the event. During the event, participants were given the opportunity to practice skills mentioned in the presentation, such as chest compressions and getting into a position to give CPR.  However, “[those attending the event] couldn’t see individuals practicing because participants had their cameras off,” Michaud stated. This was despite the fact that participants were given the opportunity to turn their cameras on.

When asked why Public Safety offered this training, Michaud explained that “all of our Public Safety staff members, both student and professional staff, are currently certified in First Aid, CPR, and AED.” This event allowed those who were not a part of Public Safety to learn CPR so they could help if there were an emergency. However, attendees did not receive CPR certification from this experience.

Public Safety is also partnering with the Red Cross to host another event called “Be Red Cross Ready.”  During this event, participants will learn how to prepare themselves and their families for disasters. It will also be held via Zoom on Monday, March 14th from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm. Those from the NVU-Lyndon community are welcome to attend if they can.


Feature Photo Courtesy of Red Cross and Brian Michaud || Info sheet given to participants during the event.