
Vermont State Colleges IT Announces Updates to Duo

Recently, it was announced the VSC IT will be working on upgrading Duo, the multi-factor authentication system that the Vermont State Colleges System uses to keep everything secure. We will be updating to Duo Universal Prompt. These updates will be made over a two-month period, to make sure we do not see any downtime to accessing all the websites we use on a daily basis.

The changes will be to the portal log in and the Duo prompt itself. You will see these changes at different times on different websites you attempt to access because they are rolling out at different times. These websites include Canvas, the portal, Microsoft products, et cetera.

The VSC Authentication Portal page will change its look entirely. Below is a picture of our current VSC Authentication Portal page, compared to the new page in the feature photo. This change will be minor, and you will still be expected to put in the same username and password as the current page.

Photo by  Evan Colman || The old VSC Authentication Portal. 

For the Duo prompt, this page will look very different. When attempting to log in, Duo will automatically send a prompt to what the default authentication method is for your account. There will also be a way to choose other options. To save your device for 24 hours, you will have to select “Yes, this is my device”. If you do not want Duo to save your log in information for 24 hours, select “No, other people use this device”.

Photo by VSC IT || The current Duo authentication page.

Photo by VSC IT || The new page for Duo Authentication.

The earliest anyone will see any of these changes will be February 12th, 2024, and the expected completion date for these changes to be rolled out for everyone system wide is March 30th, 2024.

Unfortunately, it is expected that during this change there will more Duo prompts during this period. This is because the new Duo authentication is independent from the one we are currently using, so when a website changes to the new Duo authentication it will need a new Duo push.

If you have any questions or need assistance, you can open up an IT ServiceDesk ticket at any time.