
Virtual Graduation Was Done Right

The Class of 2021 is the third graduating class of NVU-Lyndon and the second NVU-Lyndon class to not receive an in-person commencement ceremony. When this was announced, I wrote the article “Please Do Graduation Right” in the hopes of voicing the seniors’ thoughts and hopes for an in-person commencement. I was beyond crushed to not walk across the stage in the tent with the bagpipes playing, but you already knew that from my last piece. Now, May 16th has come and gone, and we were given a virtual commencement. As disappointed as my peers and I were, this virtual graduation was done right.

The NVU Marketing Department, who ran graduation, pulled out all the stops for the commencement YouTube stream. They learned from their mistakes last year and produced a fantastic product. My friends, family, and everyone I have spoken to were absolutely blown away by what was presented. The production quality exceeded everyone’s expectations. I was also thankful that the choice to recreate the personal websites was made. Seeing my picture, my family’s messages, and my degree on a site unique to me was a special moment. I have not seen any of my friends who recently graduated from other schools posting an institution-made graphic of their diplomas. The other elements that blew me away were the animation of the diploma covers for each person, the dangling tassels, and the overall design for each person. The attention to detail showed how much thought and effort was put into this experience.

NVU students each had pages on the commencement site dedicated to their achievements and messages from loved ones.

Early on in the announcement of virtual commencement, myself, my roommates, and Class of 2020 graduate Lauren Cornell decided that we were still going to get together, dress in our regalia, and make watching virtual commencement special. We got bagels from Bagel Depot, made bacon and mimosas, and had an amazing brunch. As we all sat down in our living room to watch virtual commencement, I looked around and realized that sitting on my couch drinking a mimosa may be a little better than sitting in the humid tent in a plastic folding chair. Being able to share this moment with my closest friends and not whoever was assigned to sit next to me made graduating so much more special. I remember graduating high school and having no clue who the two guys I was forced in between were.

Virtual commencement allowed the graduates to choose who they could celebrate the moment with. We got to create our own personal moments to celebrate this momentous achievement. We didn’t have to try and find our family in a crowd of strangers, hoping they were watching. That is what makes Virtual Commencement so special. Our family and friends who wouldn’t have made it up to Vermont get the exact same experience we did, not whatever the in-person livestream happened to show. They got to live the moment like they were there, because they were.

Kate Henriques sang the Lyndon Alma Mater, opening the commencement ceremony on May 16.

This pandemic has forced us to find unexpected silver linings, virtual commencement was no exception. But in the end, we still got the Alma Mater, we still got the bagpipes, we still graduated. No pandemic could take that away from us. The Class of 2021 persevered and we did it.


Feature Photo by Quinlan Peer, Design by Alexandra Huff 

  1. Adrianne Hutchin

    I tip my hat to the creators of our commencement! It brought me to tears to be presented with the outstanding senior award and in such a beautiful manner. My 84 year old mother was able to see me graduate as well as my family in California. I cannot begin to express my gratitude and honor to have been a part of this university family!! My professors and experiences will live forever in my heart!

  2. Sabra Anne

    As one of two students who were present for the in-person gathering of the virtual watch show, I would like to echo Kate’s comments and feelings of how the commencement all unfolded. So much thought and energy was put into our commencement, more than most of us will ever know. Although the in-person virtual watch party was limited to only approved campus participants, we two seniors still had staff and faculty show up to congratulate us. It was great getting to see the President on the big screen, as well as see Kate sing her heart out to us (and hopefully not for the last time). It was a very special commencement with a lot of love built into it, I hope all of my peers will treasure what we have accomplished.

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