
Who’s Legal? A View on US Immigration

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On Tuesday, March 24, an international student organized an informational session called “Who’s Legal”. The event focused on the US immigration policy and its different forms of immigrants it encompasses. Several international students form a variety of countries in Asia spoke about their journey to the United States.

The audience was exposed to some eye-opening stories that allowed them to realize what a privilege it was to have American citizenship. I spoke on the behalf of the “Dreamers” that are under “DACA” (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). This program, started under the Obama administration, allows children and young adults brought to the US as young children (illegally or on overstayed visas by their parents) a lawful status to work and get a higher education since they came through no fault of their own.

The conversation also mentioned the changes the Trump administration has made to these immigration policies and how it is now much harder to go through the process. It was also a good time for cultural integration that allowed for each international student to take questions about their home country.

Featured Image from Morguefile.