
SGA Meeting – October 7, 2020

The fourth SGA meeting of the fall semester took place on October 7 at 8:00pm in the Moore Community Room (ASAC 100) and online via Zoom.  The livestream is available in full on the SGA’s Facebook page if you’d like to learn more about this meeting’s proceedings.

During student body comments, it was brought to the SGA’s attention that several spots on campus need serious maintenance.  Some include the road by the soccer field and the area around HAC.  It’s important to note that any roads with double-yellow lines are town property and not university property.

Under discussion and action items, the financial update revealed that the available funds are $63,426.42, and the total available funds are $95,976.42. The discussion then moved to the Student Activity Account, which was described in detail at the previous meeting.  If you need a refresher, then check the last meeting report from September 23rd.  The SGA reopened the discussion on how to allocate the funds from this account and held a vote to gauge interest in four general areas the money could possibly go to.  These were Student Activities, Maintenance, Student Health, and Academic Funding.  The results will be discussed at the next meeting.

Next, several clubs were up to be disbanded after not attending the past three SGA meetings, The attendance policy in the SGA constitution states that clubs must attend SGA meetings, and they will lose their funding if they have 3 unexcused absences. Genealogy Club, LyndonHEIM, and Sports Management were disbanded in a passing vote. Cultural Ambassadors Society (CAS) was found to be actively trying to stay alive; they just don’t have any executive board members who can make the SGA meetings.

Afterward, the Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) presented their funding request.  They asked for funding for a few Halloween events.  The first is a series of baseball/softball scrimmages for breast cancer awareness.  The second is a volleyball/tennis/cross-country event for COVID-19 awareness and for “masking up.” The final is a soccer/baseball scrimmage for mental health awareness, followed by Trunk-or-Treat.  These are all scheduled for Halloween weekend, and they asked for $2,337.50 total to cover costs for the events and for custom t-shirts for each event.  The request was passed with a majority vote.

SGA Administrative VP Renee Chaples and Executive VP Katie Flannigan then presented plans for Halloweek 2020, which will take place Monday, October 26 through Saturday, October 31.  This will be a whole week dedicated to spooky-themed activities to celebrate Halloween.  October 12 will be the date to start submitting entries to the Halloween Door Decorating Contest.  October 26 will host a pumpkin carving with R.A Alex; October 27 will have a Virtual Murder Mystery game; October 28 will be Zombie Dress-up Day; October 29 will be Scooby-Doo Scavenger Hunt and October 30 will have a Scary Movie Night. On the big day, October 31, will be an involvement fair in Veteran’s Park which will host a variety of activities and games, and clubs are encouraged to participate in any way they can. Clubs should submit a request to the SGA by October 21st if they want to participate, and their activities shouldn’t exceed $100 in budget. Additionally, there will be a Candy Egg Hunt and an all-day Costume Contest, with the winners of such and the Door Decorating Context being announced at a Spooky Fire later in the night.

During club and committee updates, CAB recently purchased an outdoor movie theatre set that’s free for clubs to rent for their own events.  Model UN determined that while they still have enough members to continue functioning as a club, they’re expressing interest in merging with NVU-Johnson’s branch of Model UN, so they’ll continue to update the SGA as discussions continue.

The meeting concluded at 9:25pm.  The next meeting is on October 21, at the same time and place as usual.  We hope to see you then!